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孙守恒:Tuning Nanocatalysts for Efficient Electrochemical Reactions
作者:王玲玲   发布日期:2015-07-07  浏览次数:



报告时间:2015078(星期三) 15:00



孙守恒,美国布朗大学化学学院终身教授,布朗大学分子与纳米前沿研究所所长。1996年博士毕业于美国布朗大学化学学院,1996-2004年在美国国际商用机器 (IBM) 华盛顿研究中心从事博士后研究及研究助理工作。研究方向为功能纳米材料的构建与修饰及其在生物医药、催化、信息储存等领域的应用。先后在Nature,Science, J.Am.Chem.Soc., Adv.Mater., Nano Lett., Angew.Chem.Int.Ed., PNAS等著名期刊上发表论文240余篇、拥有20余项专利。2011年入选全球顶尖一百化学家名人堂榜单并位列第31名。现担任 Nano Letters Nano Today Science of Advanced Materials Nano Research等国际知名杂志的编委,并获得多项国际任职和奖励荣誉。



Recent advance in nano-fabrication has made it possible to design and synthesize nanoparticles with nearly precise controls on nanoparticle size,shape, composition and structure for catalytic applications. In this talk,I will summarize the common methods we used to synthesize monodisperse nanoparticles, especially intermetallic nanoparticles, core/shell nanoparticles, nanowires and their self-assemblies on graphene (or N-doped graphene) surface. I will use Au-, Pt-, and Cu-based elemental and alloy nanoparticles as examples to demonstrate the rational tuning and enhancement of nanoparticle catalysis for selective electrochemical reduction of proton, oxygen, and carbon dioxide for renewable energy applications.